Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Apple-PC Ad

the text of this ad is probably in helvetica font. the grey makes it stand in midground. it's clean. clear. little writing. image stands out more because of all the white space and the color of the text. the ad has a formal structure; there is even distribution of elements along implied axes.

in terms of composition: i see a perfect balance. white space accentuates both people on the ad and the balance their positions on the space create. there is symmetry. the tall, slim figure of the young man on contrasts with the size and height of the man on the left side of Ad. The viewer probably looks looks at him first, then at young man, followed by looking at the descriptions of "who they are" (the grey text). Both figures are in foreground and the letter seem to actually be bit in the background. direction goes from left to right and right to left. I think it's an excellent ad because it's simple and the message is clear and funny.

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