Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mac Ad

This ad's text also seems to be in Helvetica, like the other apple add. Bold, highlighted “Dr. Evil” gives even more importance to the picture of Dr. Evil that stands on the left. It’s simple, clean. Text looks like a short poem or thought by Dr. Evil. Colors of ad are also stylish and work well together. There is good color contrast.

The Ad's structure is also formal, like the other apple ad I chose for this assignment. I take from this that the formal structure adds to the simplicity and clarity of both advertisements. In terms of composition, I believe the ad is balanced and symmetrical. both “objects” in ad reference each other and because font is large in the text to the right of Dr. Evil, he looks of equal size as text. This makes us, the viewers, feel like he is as important as what he has to say about apple and PC. Both he, and the text, are in the foreground and in the background is “white space” that makes the message and his picture stand out. Direction is seems to me to be from left to right or right to left. 

I also liked this ad very much. It's witty and looks good.

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