Wednesday, September 9, 2009

NikeWomen Ad

The text in this add (click on it to make it larger and see the text better) shows clear legibility. The first sentence of the “poem” is bold, or highlighted to overemphasize the butt in the ad, it seems. The whole poem makes it seem like any girl/woman who uses nike could have written it and content of the text hints of empowerment and positive body image. The fact that the text is in capital letters also adds to the empowerment feeling. Font is probably new times roman (?); seems very familiar. There is no variation in font, which adds to its clarity. The colors go well together.

The ad has a tight structure: there is a wide versus narrow placement of visual elements.
Finally, in terms of composition, I am not sure about balance on this ad. It seems balanced because the poem is written in a “round” manner and there is optical equilibrium. It also looks asymmetrical. In terms of size, the poem seems a lot smaller than the butt to its left, and this was clearly done on purpose to emphasize the size of the butt as the first sentence of the poem does. There is great contrast between both elements of the ad. The poem seems to also be on the ground and the butt in the foreground, even though they are next to each other. The ad has a clear semicircular direction from top to bottom. There is lots of white space, which accentuates the butt and the poem.

This ad is very effective in grabbing the viewer's attention. Not sure how I feel about it.

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